Sunday, December 30, 2012


I didn't have much direction when I started this blog. I jumped off the deep end. I'm not good at the daily journaling of life-hence the fifteen posts in one day. I'm trying to embrace modern technology so I'm hoping between an iPad and iPhone I'll get better at this.

I love my boys. All three of them. Between raising two children; working 40plus hours a week with Trey; housekeeping-which for me includes cooking, cleaning, and laundry; maintaining a household-grocery shopping, dry cleaning, car repairs. I don't get much of a break. I wish I had more time to blog, craft, do projects off of Pinterest. However at the end of the day having a cocktail and watching mindless television require less preparation, cleanup, etc.

We've been renovating the house and-or office since 2008. The office just got finished for now...the downstairs bathroom at the house is almost finished...

I am trying to get back into a healthier lifestyle. I ran three half marathons this year. Myrtle Beach Divas, Virginia Beach Rock n Roll, and Charlotte Thunder Mountain. I'd love to run one a month in 2013 but may have to settle for less (entry fees and travel times add up).

I am trying to get back in The shape I was in pre-marriage and babies. Or maybe I'm just trying to become comfortable in my own skin. In these last five years my life has changed with a marriage, new town, new job, new house, two babies...

Here's me Saturday night. Trey and I both worked most of the day to enable us to take a week off this week of Christmas. We took advantage of having the babysitter at the house and headed to Boykin to eat at the Mill Pond Steak house.

Sunday Drew had a program at church. We were not only on time but early!

We've been in Crockett Texas this week. Rest and relaxation and runs for me. Hunting for Tre. Cousin time for the boys!

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