Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tuesday Tales

Before Jac we had no alarm--some mornings we would sleep until 8:30-9ish.  The good ole days!  Now we sometimes get to wake up multiple times in the evening and we are almost always up by 7--and somehow I still don't get to work by nine.....

Here's Drew enjoying his nutritious breakfast juice box--he'll probably have some fruit snacks or a little Debbie or a Slim Jim to fuel his never ending energy for the day.  Drew's funny-some mornings he waits until Trey and I leave for work--other mornings he wants as much attention as Jac.

Yes, those are the clothes he wore yesterday.  No, I have no clue  how that bruise got on his forehead.

Jac was NOT into having his photo taken this morning.  He looks tired--maybe he should try sleeping in--I wouldn't argue:)

Here's the part of the morning where Drew realized that you could look at yourself on the iphone screen while taking the picture.  Excuse the early morning appearance.

It's raining...I still have no kitchen...there's a ton of dust in my house...and it's only Tuesday. Friday come soon!!!!

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