I meant no disrespect to SAHM's by my previous post. I tried being a SAHM for ten weeks when I had Drew. When I had Jac-I went to the hospital Thursday morning to have him-had to order Trey to get off the phone or get out of the room when it was time to push-and was back at work on Monday. That's an entire separate post--that requires LOTS of alcohol! I have alot on my plate and there aren't enough hours in the day. Let's forget the fact that I've been up since 2:00 a.m. with an hour of sleep from 6:30-7:30-Thanks Jac! I haven't done squat around the house and I even managed to get to work an hour late.
I made resurrection eggs. While I realize that you are suppose to start these twelve days out--we started Sunday and had to double up. That's how we roll at 309! And, yes, I made one set for Drew and one set for Jac.
Here are the directions I followed. Put the following items in their respective eggs:1. a leaf–real or plastic (if it vaguely resembles a palm branch, all the better)2. a piece of cloth with a little perfume on it3. a piece of tortilla, pita or bread, or white clay shaped to look like flat bread4. a picture of Jesus with children or of a temple or a picture of your family5. three dimes6. a piece of purple cloth or paper7. a cross made out of wood, toothpicks, popsicle sticks, or paper8. a nail9. a piece of paper that says THE KING OF THE JEWS10. a little bundle (wrapped in fabric, a baggie, plastic wrap, etc) of spices–cloves would be nice11. a stone–rounded would be best
12. Leave empty.
I printed the following and put them in each egg.
1: When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the people waved branches because that is what people used to do when a King walked by (Mark 11:8-9).
2: Later, Jesus had a special dinner with his friends. A woman came and poured perfume on his head. This showed that she knew He was the Christ and would die soon (Mark 14:3).
3: The next day, Jesus had another special meal with his friends. We call this The Last Supper. This is when the sacrament began because Jesus said that people who followed Him should have bread and wine or water to help them remember Him (Mark 14:22).
4: Jesus went to a garden to pray. Here, He suffered for our sins. Because He did this for us, we can repent and live in heaven again (D&C 19:16-19).
5: Judas was supposed to be one of Jesus’ special friends, but instead he helped other men arrest Jesus. He did this because those men paid him money (Mark 14:10-11)
7: Jesus was crucified (Mark 15:25).
8: When the soldiers put Jesus on the cross, they pounded nails in His hands and feet (D&C 6:37).
9: Another thing the soldiers did to make fun of Jesus was to put a sign on the cross that said THE KING OF JEWS—thinking they were making fun of Him, when in fact, He was the King of Jews (Mark 15:26).
10: After Jesus died, His friends put His body in a tomb. Later, some of the women who followed Him came to the tomb to put spices on His body. This is something they did back then when someone died (Mark 16:1).
11: The tomb had a rock that rolled over the opening to seal it. While the women were walking to the tomb, they wondered how they would get the stone out of the way (Mark 16:3-4).
12: When they got to the tomb, they were amazed to find that the stone had been rolled out of the way! Jesus’ body was gone (Mark 16:6)! Then an angel came and told them, “He is risen; He is not here” (Mark 16:66). This egg is empty because Jesus’ tomb was empty. Jesus’ tomb was empty because He was resurrected!
Drew made sure to tell me that the bread wasn't Flat-ha! He does pay attention in school even if he gets in trouble every.single.day. (and hasn't been to the treasure chest all year long--That's yet another entire separate post--that requires LOTS of alcohol!)
Drew is also making it well known that watching church on television and/or the internet doesn't count. Guess I'm going to have to start showering on Sunday again.