Mondays are....well, Mondays are Mondays...they are hectic!!! Work was crazy--and when you work with your spouse there's really no relief when you go home--both parties had a busy day. Most days around the Cockrell Law Firm it's like a zoo-and today was no exception.
This past weekend was enjoyable. Friday night I had hoped to attend the County Relay For Life, however the day had been crazy (are we seeing a pattern) and Trey didn't want to go--and I didn't want to go by myself. We went to dinner at a local restaurant-and had a delicious meal. When we got home I went for a run--the joys of living in a small town--you can run at 9:30 at night and it's safe! We hung around the house on Saturday-Trey had to do a real estate closing at the office Saturday morning. I cleaned the house up from the weekly mess--which is even greater now thanks to construction mess. We headed to O'Charley's in Monroe for dinner. (You're seeing a pattern of me NOT cooking...) Drew was awesome at both meals! It really helps if the restaurant has booths! He's been in a stage where he was awful to take to restaurants--maybe we're out of that stage. YEAH!!
Sunday was Mother's Day. We headed to church and on the way stopped at the high school to take some photos in the Wildflowers. I have some great shots--I haven't found a short cut to upload lots of photos-so I narrowed it down to a few.
This first photo really shows how photogenic and cooperative Drew is in the photo taking process. PLUS there was a baby bird that he was terrorizing, hence no smiles....
Drew and Trey-what a handsome pair!
Drew and me (he had already paused his running around to take photos with Trey, so he was not cooperative to take a few with me!)
Drew's Dedication
One Year Ago
You don’t really understand human nature unless you know why a child on a merry-go-round will wave at his parents every time around – and why his parents will always wave back. – William D. Tammeu